Ines’ Ageless Lifestyle Tips 324. Better Healthcare from Your Chatbot?

How to stop overthinking, boosting alertness, where to get the best health tips (ChatGPT vs health practitioners), ‘poo pills’, an effective adult ADHD solution, and a lot more

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Hi there, here is your latest newsletter packed with insights on how to stop overthinking, boost alertness, where to get the best health tips (ChatGPT vs health practitioners), ‘poo pills,’ an effective adult ADHD solution, and a lot more.

Check it out, and let me know what you think!

How to Stop Overthinking …

… Pretty much all of us overthink things from time to time, but it becomes stressful, unhealthy, and even harmful if you keep doing it.

The challenge is that trying to solve this logically, focusing on the positive only, or even ignoring might (!) help in the short-term, but for those obsessive overthinkers among us, those types of thoughts usually come back (Did I really turn off the oven? … Did I actually lock the car? … I think I know this, but what if it’s wrong and if I say something that makes me look stupid? …)

Here is an approach that might help you …

Meditate for 10 minutes every morning … simply watching the thoughts that come up for you. Observe each thought with curiosity as it comes and goes. Allow it to float away and make space for the next thought as it bubbles up.

See where those thoughts take you … without getting attached to them.

And if you find you do get attached to a specific thought, simply breathe in and envelop the thought with a cloud of breath. And then, when you breathe out, you let the cloud with the thought float away, too.

Do You Want to Be More Alert During the Day & Improve Your Memory? …

… It might be as simple as putting on a sleep mask during the night to block out light (study).

And if you want to go a step further, put in earplugs (especially if you’ve got ADHD or light sleep) to block sounds that might wake you up


Do You Get Better Healthcare from Your Chatbot Than Your Physician? …

 … You might. Physicians are under a lot of restrictions, and one of the biggest ones is time: the time they can take when examining you … and the time they have to stay up-to-date on the latest research and developments (the latter is impossible with all the research that is coming out every day).

I’ve been saying for years that in the future, doctors will become more like coaches. They will use AI for treatment suggestions based on all your data to discuss the best option with you. And then, they will guide you on your treatment journey.

Most doctors are currently still very resistant to this idea … even though it would mean far better care for the patient. My own physician, who I spoke to earlier this week, is one of the rare exceptions who agrees with the idea.

But … doctors’ resistance might actually drive more patients to use Artificial Intelligence to diagnose themselves and identify the best treatment options.

A recent study looked at the viability of this approach …

Licensed healthcare professionals evaluated the care patients could get from ChatGPT in comparison to trained physicians (study).

And … the big winner was the chatbot. The evaluators preferred its responses in 78.6% of the cases. The responses were longer and of higher quality. The chatbot’s responses were even perceived to be 9.8 times as empathetic as those of the physicians.

If you consider that the study was done with the first public version of ChatGPT that was hallucinating far more than the current and future versions will …

Just imagine how much better care you could get if more and even better information is fed into the AI and doctors do indeed become more like coaches and can truly focus on your actual needs based on ALL your data and the latest research instead of having to focus on a tiny part of you or your life based on always out-of-date information.

Design Your Life Book. An Interview About the Future of Aging with CEO Liz Parrish …

… Slowing aging, maybe even reversing aging, is possible. And not only in the petri dish.

Liz Parrish, CEO of BioViva, has already shown this as she has received various gene therapies that have rejuvenated her.

But … how does Liz imagine a future where we don’t age anymore?

What does it mean to be truly alive, and how can YOU become truly alive?

What does dying have to do with book burning?

How will the life for children look like?

Enjoy the short abstract of

Design Your Life Book. An Interview About the Future of Aging with Liz Parrish

from our ‘Future of Aging’ interview series with leading researchers, visionaries, and entrepreneurs.

Elizabeth Parrish, Founder and CEO of BioViva, is a humanitarian, entrepreneur, innovator, podcaster, a leading voice for genetic cures … and the first person in the world to take dual gene therapies to treat aging. She says …

“Delaying the approval of therapies that have been successful in research simply kills.”

In this interview, Liz shares what it means to be alive, what dying has to do with book-burning, and how amazing life for children born in 2050 will be. 

Life Is Experience of the Senses

Liz is a lover of life. She says:

Dying of aging is like book burning.

Every person is a book. Everyone is a story. And even though many people believe they are not important, the very opposite is true. Everybody is important.

We all go through ups and downs. There is tragedy. There is suffering. This is neither good nor bad.

It is those experiences that make the beauty of your life. It is those experiences that make you feel alive.

When you die, you burn your life’s book. You end a story that would otherwise still have had so many chapters in it that would have enriched humanity to be its best Self and solved many of the planet’s biggest problems.

So, experience your life to its fullest. Use all your senses.

Liz said …

Read the full article to discover what Liz says in Jeunessima Magazine 23 (On your iPad, Tablet, or Phone. On your desktop) … and what you can do to live a very long, healthy, and happy life.

Cool Product Corner. Measure the Impact of Your Strength Training with a Wearable …

… We know that strength training is one of the most important things you can do to keep your body strong and fit as you age.

But so far, we haven’t really seen a wearable that can quantify your strength training and how it impacts your body … until now.

Whoop has just released this option making it an interesting wearable to use.

Innovative Health News …

A few years ago, I talked about the benefits of fecal transplants for your health and longevity and mentioned that we’d be seeing pills sometime in the future. That time has arrived. The 1st pill has been approved by the FDA

Looking at blood flow and oxygenation levels in the brain, researchers were able to detect the gist of thoughts and even some exact words and phrases. That sounds pretty crazy but has great potential for people who cannot speak but whose brain is working fine. And no worries, for now, it takes scanning your brain for many hours and then lying still during more scans to identify your thoughts

For those who, like me, have ADHD but have either no drug treatments available to them or don’t want to take drugs, there is hope. Akili Interactive’s EndeavorRx digital game therapeutic was even more effective for adults than it had been for children, as a recent trial showed. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the company survives, so we can all benefit from its game

Quote of the Week …

Your body can do it. It’s time to convince your mind - Unknown

Have fun … stay young,

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