Ines’ Ageless Lifestyle Tips 316. Effortless Strategies for Achieving Your Health Goals

This week: Achieve your goals. Improve your health. Reverse gray hair. Prevent anxiety. Cyber sapiens. Innovative health news

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Welcome to my Ageless Lifestyle Tips, your favorite place to learn proven strategies & be inspired by cutting-edge discoveries on how to be the best you can be and fulfill all your dreams … for decades to come.

Hi there, it's time for your weekly tips again; today, about an effortless way to help you achieve your exercise & diet goals, about improving your general health, reversing gray hair, preventing anxiety, innovative health news, … and more.

Do You Have a Hard Time Sticking to Your Exercise & Diet Goals? …

… Maybe you’re not getting enough high-quality sleep.

Try to get 7-9 hours of sleep each night, waking at regular times and finding ways that let you wake up refreshed and alert for the day might be an effective way to help you stick to those goals … and help you lose more weight and fat in addition to plenty of other health and longevity benefits (study).

You Might Be Able to Improve Your General Health & Immune Function …

… by spending less time on social media.

A small group of young students aiming to spend 15 minutes less on social media every day boosted their health that way … in addition to feeling less lonely & depressed (study).

It is quite likely that the effect depends on how much you use social media already and what you use it for. There might also be a difference in how the immune systems of young versus experienced people react … BUT … you have nothing to lose if you try it for yourself.

Price Alert

Stimulate Autophagy. Spark Cell Renewal. Improve Cognition. … Maybe Even Reverse Gray Hair 

Today, I received Primeadine, a natural and food-derived spermidine … the gluten-free version that is extracted from chlorella.

We know that our bodies produce less spermidine as we age, even though we need it more.

I had interviewed Leslie Kenny, Founder of Oxford Healthspan & creator of this spermidine supplement, last week. She showed me some pictures of people well into their 80s and even 90 who were able to reverse gray and/or grow back some hair … very impressive if you consider that the body only does that once it has enough of the nutrients in other parts of the body to keep it functioning well.

Anyway, Oxford Healthspan temporarily offers 15% off all their supplements if you use the code AGELESS15.

And if you try it, please let me know about your experiences. I plan on writing an article about spermidine for Jeunessima Magazine later this year.

Prevent Anxiety …

… Many people are suffering from anxiety, many of them not knowing that it is anxiety they’re dealing with.

This could be prevented.

Researchers have developed a new biomarker that could (in my opinion should) be part of a regular prevention check-up helping doctors figure out if someone has or will develop anxiety, its severity, and what treatments, including medications and nutraceuticals, will work best (study).

All it takes is a simple blood test.

 Defeating the Villain of Aging …

We all want to keep on living … as long as we’re well.

But there is a villain … and it’s aging.

This is what Chip Walter, filmmaker, National Geographic Explorer, and former CNN Bureau Chief & global vagabond & author of the book Immortality, Inc said when I interviewed him.

Read an abstract of the article ‘Defeating the Villain of Aging. An Interview with Vagabond & Journalist Chip Walter’ from Jeunessima Magazine 27.

Discover in this part of our Future of Aging interview series with leading visionaries, scientists & other experts what it means to be alive, how aging is changing & what shift is needed to overcome aging & death …

The human body is designed to live to 120 years, but Chip believes that "a lot of the people … alive right now may live hundreds of years."

In which form?

There are different ways of being alive, according to Chip …

One of them is, of course, living in your own existing body.

Chip challenges us, though, to think about the potential of living 150, 200, or maybe even 800 or 1,000 years.

If bowhead whales can live to over 200 years and naked mole rats to over 30 even though they should not be able to live more than 4-6 years … and all that without significant signs of aging as we know them from humans … why shouldn't we be able to do so too?

One option to live longer is adding machines to your human body, essentially living as cyber sapiens. And we are already doing that to a certain extent. Just think about pacemakers for the heart, hearing aids, and artificial joints, … Adding them can amplify you and make you far less vulnerable to disease, aging, and death.

But there are more ways to be alive, according to Chip …

Keep reading the full article in Jeunessima Magazine 27 (On your iPad or Tablet. On your desktop) to discover other ways of being alive, what your life might look like in 2050, what it’ll take to overcome aging & death, and Chip’s top tips for living an exceptionally long life.

Innovative Health News …

Our brain is extremely powerful, able to store about 2,500 terabytes of information, can learn far quicker than current AI, needs very little space & requires very little energy … in comparison to computers. What if we can create specially lab-grown brain cultures, called brain organoids, and use them as computers … and not only learn about brains & potentially find solutions for Alzheimer's & other brain diseases but also use them for driving science in all areas a lot further than we can now.

Talking is one of the most effective ways to communicate; we do so with about 160 words a minute. But what if we can't do this anymore because we're paralyzed? Brain-computer interfaces (BCI) will be able to help. The latest development is a speech-to-text BCI that enabled the patient to 'speak' 62 words a minute, 3.4 times more than previous systems

More News on How Artificial Intelligence Will Be Able to Keep You Healthy

Quote of the Week …

Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does – William James

Have fun … stay young,

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